Chronic bony pains in a teenager
Hi all,
I would appreciate opinions, suggestions and advice re this baffling problem-
18yr old female with gradual onset pain/aches in both radial bones, both tibia, both clavicles and lower ribs over past 9 months without any joint pains, fevers, lumps or swellings anywhere in the body. No rash, bruising, trauma with no loss of appetite or weight. Investigations like nuclear medicine bone scan, blood counts, CRP, ESR, LFT, vitD, B12 all normal. Has seen a Rheumatologist who could not help. Now has presented to me because the pains but non tender bones are not responsive to usual analgesics.
Burning Mouth Syndrome
I've been plagued by "Burning Mouth Syndrome" since I had Covid last October. Dry mouth constantly, but the gingiva and tongue get progressively more sore as the day goes on and by bedtime I have to use anaesthetic throat lozenges. I have read this is more likely to be a long Covid issue. Any thoughts?
birth injury - shoulder dystocia with right & left sided injuries
IOL for a G1P0 for severe preE at 38+ weeks. Vacuum assisted with Kiwi delivery with 1 pull and 2 minute shoulder dystocia resolved with McRoberts. Right brachial plexus injury with avulsion at C7&C8 and a left hemidiaphragm paralysis (C3-C5). Right side was the anterior impacted shoulder Any chance this happens without too much traction or force on part of physician ?
Unforgettable Patient Stories
In the realm of healthcare, we encounter countless patients whose lives intertwine with ours, often leaving a profound impact. From the simple acts of kindness to awe-inspiring demonstrations of resilience, these moments can remind us why we chose this noble profession.
Perhaps a patient took an unexpected turn in their recovery, defying all odds and surpassing your expectations. Maybe they dedicated their time and energy to raising funds for a cause close to your heart, or they shared their personal story to inspire others facing similar challenges. Whatever it may be, we want to hear about the most remarkable encounters that have touched your lives as physicians.
So, dear physicians, it's your turn to take the stage! Let the stories flow and the inspiration ignite as we delve into the most amazing things patients have done for you. Join the discussion by sharing your experiences and engaging with fellow healthcare professionals who are ready to listen, learn, and connect...Read More
Understanding the Psychological Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Physicians: A Poll Analysis
A recent poll conducted by G-Med, exclusively answered by physicians, provides valuable insights into the psychological toll of the Covid-19 pandemic. Out of 327 respondents, 56% reported being traumatized by the pandemic, highlighting the profound emotional impact on healthcare providers. This finding emphasizes the urgent need for healthcare institutions to prioritize mental health support and resources for physicians, ensuring their well-being and ability to deliver optimal patient care. Conversely, 36% of physicians stated that they were not traumatized by the pandemic, suggesting that individuals may have developed effective coping mechanisms to navigate the challenges. Their experiences and strategies can serve as valuable insights to support their colleagues who may be struggling. Surprisingly, 8% of physicians had never thought about whether they were traumatized by the pandemic.
In conclusion, the poll results call for healthcare institutions to prioritize the mental well-being of physicians post-pandemic. Recognizing and addressing trauma, providing access to mental health resources, and fostering a supportive environment are crucial in aiding physicians' recovery and ensuring continued delivery of high-quality care. The data serves as a wake-up call for physicians to reflect on their own well-being and encourages dialogue that promotes emotional resilience and support within the medical community.
Over 50% of physicians feel underpaid, reveals G-Med survey
G-Med has conducted poll exclusively for physicians to gain insight into physician satisfaction with their current income. The poll included 336 physicians who were asked whether they believed they were being paid what they're worth. According to the results, over 50% of physicians did not feel that they were being paid what they deserved, with only 20% stating that they were content with their current income. Additionally, 20% of the respondents believed they could earn more if they worked in a different country, which could indicate that there are significant pay disparities in different regions of the world. Moreover, 4% of physicians reported that they earned more before the COVID-19 pandemic, which suggests that the pandemic may have had an adverse impact on physicians' salaries.
It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of fair compensation for physicians' dedication and expertise. These results reveal that there is a significant proportion of physicians who do not feel adequately compensated for their work. This could have implications for physician recruitment and retention, as well as patient care quality. It is vital for healthcare organizations and policymakers to address the issue of physician pay and ensure that physicians are fairly compensated for their contributions.
Physicians Speak Out: Burnout and Healthcare Shortages Top List of Pressing Issues in Medicine
In a recent poll conducted exclusively among physicians on G-med, the most pressing issue facing the medical profession today was found to be burnout and physician well-being. This concern received the highest number of votes at 39%, indicating that physicians are feeling the strain of the profession and recognize the importance of taking care of themselves in order to better care for their patients. Following closely behind at 38% were shortages of healthcare professionals and resources, Interestingly, advances in medical technology and treatment options received the fewest votes, with only 10%.
Overall, the poll results indicate that physicians are most concerned with the well-being of themselves and their colleagues, as well as ensuring that patients have access to the care they need. These findings highlight the need for continued support and investment in the healthcare industry, as well as a greater focus on physician well-being and work-life balance.
G-Med Poll Results: Do Physicians Recommend Intermittent Fasting?
New research shows that intermittent fasting can lead to profound changes in gene expression, resulting in health benefits like improved blood sugar regulation and reduced risk of obesity and inflammation. According to a recent poll on G-Med, 72% of physicians would recommend intermittent fasting to their patients. What are your thoughts on this growing trend?
The Future of Medical Conferences
Physicians were surveyed in 2021 and 2023 regarding their preferences for medical conference formats. The 2023 survey showed a slight shift, with 42% preferring physical conferences, 24% preferring virtual conferences, and 34% preferring hybrid conferences. While physical conferences remain popular, the increasing popularity of hybrid conferences suggests a desire for a combination of physical and virtual elements. The decreasing preference for virtual conferences may be due to limitations, but they continue to hold value for accessibility. As technology continues to evolve and improve, it will be interesting to see how medical conference formats may change in the future.
G-Med Poll Results : Why Women Leave Medicine
According to G-Med poll results (N=563), work-family conflict was identified as the main factor causing women to leave medicine. This highlights the challenges faced by women in balancing their professional and personal lives, particularly in demanding roles such as medicine...Read More
G-Med Poll Results : Usage of ChatGPT in Medical Research
Dear physicians, thank you for voting in our recent poll about the usage of ChatGPT for medical research. The results showed that 42.69% of participants answered yes, while 32.08% said no and 25.24% were unsure. The poll was conducted in the context of a growing concern about the use of large language models in scientific writing, and the need for transparency and integrity in research methods. Nature has recently published guidelines for acknowledging the use of ChatGPT and other LLM tools in scientific research...Read More
G-Med Poll Results : Annual Physician Salary
Dear physicians, thank you for participating in our annual salary poll, here are the results:
The results of this poll of 629 physicians from 49 countries provide valuable insight into the income distribution of this profession globally. It is noteworthy that 50% of physicians earn an annual salary of $200K or less. This is followed by 24% of physicians who earn between $200K and $350K per year. On the other hand, a smaller group of 13% of physicians earn between $350K and $500K, while the remaining 13% earn an annual salary of $500K or above. These findings paint a picture of the financial landscape for physicians, highlighting the range of income levels within this profession.
Income distribution among physicians is not even, with certain income ranges more prevalent than others,does this diversity surprise you?
How many people suffer from rare diseases?

Did you know that over 300 million people around the world suffer from rare diseases? Find out more about their conditions on the new G-Med Rare Disease Hub!
How hard is it to receive a rare disease diagnosis?

The average rare disease patient will visit more than 7 doctors before being diagnosed. Be part of the change - join the G-Med Rare Disease Hub!
Physicians, which social media platforms do you use for medical consultations and assistance?
GMedPoll: Physicians, which social media platforms do you use for medical consultations and assistance?G-Med observed a breakdown of the traditional circles of consultation since the Covid-19 era has begun. Physicians are turning to alternative platforms, one of the main ones being social media. We went out to check which are the social media platforms being used.
274 physicians from 45 countries answered this poll. See below for results:
42% physicians use Instant Messaging groups such as WhatsApp, Telegram and more.33% physicians use online physician communities25% physicians use Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for medical consultations and assistance.
Vaccinating 12-18 year-olds: Yes or No?
Physicians from over 80 countries voted on G-Med’s latest poll.#GMedPoll: We asked physicians if they recommend covid-19 vaccination in 12-18 year-olds? Vaccination of children is one of Covid’s latest discussion topics and we want to know what our G-Med physicians recommend.Poll results:1,657 Physicians voted yes (63.1%)593 Physicians voted no (22.6%)374 Physicians voted unsure (14.3%)
Which medical conference format do physicians prefer? How does age influence that preference?
Over 1,000 Physicians voted on G-Med's latest poll regarding physicians' preference indifferent medical conferences format.
The results show that that the majority of physicians in all cohorts prefer different formats rather than physical conferences.
In addition, younger physicians prefer physical conferences compared to older physicians. One reason for this could be linked to the importance of networking for younger physicians in order to advance their careers. Another reason can be linked to younger physicians feeling less vulnerable to Covidー19 due to their younger age.Another hypothesis is that the physician's home country has a huge impact on their decision to join physical conferences--in places with a solid #vaccine policy, they are more willing to travel again, given that they feel it is safer.G-Med Pulse continues to follow and analyze today's evolving changes and effects by Covid-19.
Has Covid shaken the foundations of traditional circles of consultation among physicians?
Has Covid shaken the foundations of traditional circles of consultation among physicians?During the first wave, the community asked questions that went beyond each one's field of expertise on how to approach the virus. What was observed was a breakdown of the traditional circles of consultation--established networks to which physicians belonged became insufficient. Issues regarding medication, treatment and advice on how to approach specific patient cases could not anymore be answered by your immediate circle of medical colleagues.G-Med came in to fill this gap: on the platform, the members were able to become part of a global community, broaden network and receive answers from different specialties and countries.Of late, a new surge of engagement is taking place on the platform. This time, matters related to vaccine safety and post-Covid patients are at the center of the community's concerns. The community has already internalized important lessons from the first wave—the need of a global and multi-specialty cooperation.G-Med is witnessing this phenomena not only once it comes to the pandemic, but also as members of the global community apply these lessons to their own field of expertise. As a result, here on the platform, one can expand their circle of influence, while sharing and receiving crucial information.
What's the future of Medical Conferences?
COVID-19 changed the way physicians are engaging with each other. Following a full year of virtual conferences, physicians in the G-Med community came together to discuss their impressions, likes and dislikes in comparison to physical medical events.
G-Med's interactive platform has become the place where physicians come to expand their network, to update themselves on the latest medical news, share the latest news from each of their specialties and to fill the educational gap left by physical conferences.
Over 1,000 physicians voted within 48 hours in the latest G-Med poll about which type of conference they prefer. From EU countries, North and South American, Asia and the Middle East, physicians from 56 countries shared their preferences and visions on the future of medical conferences.
Here are some of your thoughts on Vaccination
Should patients under immunosuppressive treatment be vaccinated against Covid-19? How about those who have recovered from Covid, when should they get vaccinated?
Over the past months, the G-Med community has been discussing vaccination decisions, its effects and advisability to patients suffering from different pre conditions. Immunodepression, diabetes, rheumatological issues, among several others, were some of the conditions debated in the G-Med community in light of the decision to vaccinate against Covid-19. Our physician-only community continues to debate this crucial topic, and to share their insights with their colleagues.
Thank you for your thoughtful contribution. Here are some of the issues discussed:
Here are some of your thoughts on Post-Covid
How are physicians from the G-Med community preparing themselves for the Post-Covid Era? What are Covid’s real impacts on the health of patients after recovering from the initial illness?
Over the past months, the G-Med community has been discussing one of tomorrow’s most challenging medical issues: Post-Covid conditions. From endocrinological conditions, neurological concerns, rheumatological impacts, among others, physicians from over 128 countries are sharing cases and receiving great insights from the community.
Thank you for your thoughtful insights. Here are some of the issues discussed: